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The Most Expensive Rugs In The World

The Most Expensive Rugs In The World We all know how luxurious a rug can feel under our feet, that’s why they’ve remained so popular throughout the ages. Some people however, have expensive taste when it comes to getting the best rugs around, and the price of many...

Finding The Perfect Rug For Any Space

Finding The Perfect Rug For Any Space Building a style in your home requires a lot of patience, unless you have the money to completely makeover the whole of a room all at once, it will probably a carefully built project. While not every room requires a rug, they are...

The Best Carpets For Hay Fever Sufferers – And Which To Avoid

The Best Carpets For Hay Fever Sufferers – And Which To Avoid We all look forward to summer- but for some it can be a challenging time. Hay fever season usually rolls around in late summer and can be difficult for people across the UK. Open windows to let in a warm...